Design Life Consulting

Sports Complex

Shopping & Sports Complex
Location: Leongatha, Victoria
Client: Private Developer

The scope of work was to create a shopping and sports hub which helps the country people to entertain, meet and greet and enjoy life.

To realize the great value of a community recreation centre DesignLife offered a modern design that facilitates retail reconnection and enables a maximum number of people to socialise with each other under one roof.

Sports and shopping complex or a Community Recreation Center. This kind of centres has the key benefits to enhance the quality of life in the country. Whether it’s fitness classes, afterschool programs, or job training, there’s a little something for everyone. On the other hand, the sports complex included an indoor swimming pool, indoor courts and specialized sporting retail outlets, outdoor courts. It has forms of ‘hyper-reality if not the metaphoric messages embedded in its elements and composition responds to its sensory power and pondered meanings. The beauty of Dancing lights attracts people from miles. This pulls customers to visit the sports complex in large numbers and enjoy the amazing ambience.

This time DesignLife thought of a concept that acts as a protective top and opted for a Shell theme. The shell-like structure is a hub with a major shopping complex, Cinema theatres, major retail to boutique shopping.