Design Life Consulting

Interior Fit-out - Timber Merchants Association

Funded by the Department of Sustainability & Environment (Vic)
Funding Recipient: Timber Merchants Association

The department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) which managed the water resources climate change, bushfires, public land, forest and ecosystem in the state of Victoria, Australia wanted a design of the project aspired through the organic forms of the forest superimposed by a scientific representation hardwood.

This design was subsidized through commitments of both the Federal and Victorian governments to help organizations under the Victorian Forest Industry Structural Adjustment Package (Vic FISAP) and to regulated the task, a joint Victorian and Commonwealth Government council was set up which was called ‘Forest Industry Development and Adjustment Committee (FIDAC)’.

To make an interpretive timber presentation space including hardwood product species of Victoria joined by a wall painting addressing supportable ranger service and ecological administration approaches.

The whole idea was to give a complete natural setup. The whole interior fit-out is created keeping in mind the natural setup which recovers energy and saves time.

Hence to match with their expectations and ideas DesignLife sequenced the chart of E Grandis and then layered it on the horizontal slates with hardwood veneers with different textures, stains, shades and colours.